Types of Gifts
Support the Future of Heart & Vascular Care
Cleveland Clinic stands committed to providing the best care possible for patients with cardiovascular conditions. Your support is critical to the future of the Miller Heart & Vascular Institute. Generous contributions from people like you help us maintain a tradition of world-class care and advances by funding:
- Heart and vascular disease research
- Medical equipment purchases
- Continuing education
- Patient and family education and support
- Special programs
Outright Cash Gifts
Gifts can be accepted in the form of check or credit card. You may mail or phone in your tax-deductible contribution, or make a gift online at our secure iSupport website. Please make your check payable to Cleveland Clinic and specify your gift designation as the Miller Family Heart & Vascular Institute.
Tribute Gifts
Gifts can be accepted in the form of check or credit card. You may mail or phone in your tax-deductible contribution, or make a gift. You may give in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special caregiver. We will send an acknowledgment of your gift to the family or individual. Alternately, a memorial or honorary fund may be arranged, allowing others to join in a collective, enduring tribute.
Planned Gifts
Planned charitable gifts range from pre-arranged estate bequests to special funds providing income to you for life. We would be happy to discuss the various strategic financial planning and tax advantages with you. Please also visit our Gift Planning web page for more details.
How to Give
Make a donation 24/7 using your credit card via a secure online form.
Make your check payable to Cleveland Clinic and specify your gift designation as the Miller Family Heart & Vascular Institute. Send to:
Cleveland Clinic
Philanthropy Institute - Desk DV
9500 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
We can take your donation over the phone using your credit card. Call Institutional Relations and Development locally 216.444.1245 or toll-free 800.223.2273, ext. 41245.
Need more information? Send us an email at [email protected]