
Gifts of Gratitude

Chaplains, Healing Service providers, and Family Liaisons provide services to patients and families free of charge. They connect with patients in unique ways that make a difference while patients are in the hospital, and the effects of their compassionate presence may continue to sustain patients long after they leave the hospital.

In the midst of the necessary focus on medical details, the Center for Spiritual Care team enables the whole person to be folded into care. We provide a healing oasis in the midst of the hospital environment, and enable the other aspects of care to flow more smoothly. No matter how excellent the medical care or wonderful the prognosis, patients face challenges. These can be especially salient at the end of life, but throughout the course of disease, people struggle. Your contributions can enable the Center for Spiritual Care to make a difference for people.

Many of our services are supported by the generous donations of individuals, groups and institutions.

If you would like to help, or for more information, please contact:
Lisa Morrison
Senior Director, Center for Spiritual Care
Phone: 216.444.2518
Email: [email protected]

The Institutional Advancement Office
Phone: 216.444.1245