Over the past 20 years there has been increasing interest in the health problems related to the performing arts. It has been recognized that performing artists have at times been underserved and that their unique needs have often not been met in the past. Cleveland Clinic's Center for Performing Artists was established in 1985 to help meet these needs.
This is a multidisciplinary effort, with dancers primarily seen in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, vocalists and other professional voice users seen in the Department of Otolaryngology and Communicative Disorders, and most instrumental musicians seen in the Department of Neurology. A variety of neurological conditions and problems related to, or impacting on, the instrumentalist's ability to play are evaluated in the Center, including pain syndromes, nerve entrapments, and focal dystonias.
As would be true for any health problem, the patient undergoes a detailed history and examination geared toward the particular symptoms reported. The musician is asked to bring his/her instrument (a piano is available on site) and an integral part of the evaluation is observation of the instrumentalist while playing. The entire range of consultations, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic modalities is available at our disposal to provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment program designed to return the instrumentalist to full playing activity, if at all possible.
Over 1500 instrumental musicians have been evaluated and treated for neurological conditions in the Department of Neurology's Center for Performing Artists since its inception.
Performance Medicine
Cleveland Clinic's Center for Performance Medicine provides comprehensive healthcare for artists, with customized services for voice, hearing and neuromuscular disorders. The Center connects world-class performers with a team of medical professionals to coordinate and expedite care, thereby protecting artists’ most valuable tool: their bodies.
Performance Medicine Services
Prolong your career by protecting your body during performances. Our services are designed to inform, prevent and treat various health issues, including voice, hearing and neuromuscular disorders. Wellness and optimization are our goals.
Wellness /Executive Health Program
- 1–2 day Comprehensive Evaluation Program focusing on the health issues of performers and those in the music and entertainment industries
- Lifestyle Evaluation — diet/nutrition, exercise/conditioning, sleep/energy, addiction/substance abuse counseling, stress/anxiety/depression, posture/body mechanics
- Optional spa services
- More information about our Executive Health Program.
Performance Voice Disorders
- Hoarseness and quality changes
- Discomfort while talking or singing
- Loss of singing control
- Vocal fatigue
- Information regarding vocal wellness
- More information about our Voice Center.
Performance Hearing Conditions
- Hearing loss/fluctuation
- Ear pain
- Ringing of the ears (tinnitus)
- Custom noise protectors and musicians’ earplugs
- Comprehensive audiologic exams
- Hearing needs assessments for assistive listening devices and/or amplification
- Information about hearing conservation,preservation and ear disease management
- More information about our Audiology program.
Performance Neuromuscular Conditions
- Hand/wrist pain with playing
- Numbness/tingling of the fingers caused by neurological disorder
- Neck and shoulder pain with playing
- Pain and swelling of the lips (for wind instrumentalists)
- Neuromuscular disorders and problems in control of hand or lip (dystonia)
- More information about neuromuscular disorders.
Performance Medicine Staff
Trust in Experience
With more than 68 years of combined experience in performance-related treatment, our healthcare experts understand artists’ individual needs, respect your privacy and offer accessible care. The experts within the Center for Performance Medicine are aligned with numerous distinguished professional associations. Performing artists and organizations can connect with us via individual relationships, referrals from other healthcare providers, and recommendations from agents, promoters, managers and performance venues.
Core Faculty
Contact Us
For more information on the Center for Performance Medicine call 216.445.8638, or contact us at [email protected].