Florida Education welcomes schools and academic institutions interested in providing students with a for-credit or curriculum-based experience at Cleveland Clinic.
For students (16 and older) to be eligible for these types of experiences, an affiliation agreement between the academic institution and Cleveland Clinic is required. Schools must provide curriculum and/or goals and objectives for the experience when entering into an affiliation agreement.
Schools and academic institutions interested in entering into an agreement should reach out to our Program Manager at [email protected] for more information. Individual students interested in an experience, please have your school reach out to Cleveland Clinic.
To participate in a learning experience, individuals must have:
- Tdap booster within the past 10 years, proof of documentation required.
- Negative tuberculosis screening: two-step Mantoux test (TB test), QuantiFERON®-TB Gold test, or T-Spot test within 12 months before the student experience.
- Measles (Rubeola) immunization.
- Mumps immunization.
- German measles (Rubella) immunization.
- Chickenpox (Varicella) immunization.
- Hepatitis B immunization or signed waiver.
- Influenza vaccine (November 1-March 31).
Please note: In addition to the above documentation, students will also be required to complete onboarding. Instructions and next steps will be provided by Cleveland Clinic’s Program Manager.
Questions? Contact [email protected].