How can I find a Cleveland Clinic doctor?

We offer a tool on the site where you may customize your search based on several filters to view information on our doctors.

May I have my physician's email address?

Our physicians cannot communicate with patients over email. You may message your doctor through the "Message my Doctor" option if you have a MyChart account. If not, please call your doctor's office.

How can I rate my Doctor?

Our online rating surveys are distributed on a random basis, as required by Medicare. If you would like to offer remarks about your provider, you may do so by sending a message to the Ombudsman Office at [email protected].

How do I find out if a physician is accepting new patients?

Our Appointment Center has the most accurate information on provider schedules. You may call 866.320.4573. Agents are available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST, every day.

Can you help me find a physician near me (outside of Ohio)?

You may request assistance from our Alumni Office Alumni finder. Complete the online form and you'll receive a response via email.