6780 Mayfield Road
Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
Office: 440.312.8592
Fax: 440.312.7104
Email: [email protected]
- Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Chemistry minor 1998, Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH
- Doctor of Pharmacy 2003, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Pharmacy Practice Residency 2003 to 2004, MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
- Infectious Disease Specialty Residency 2004 to 2005, The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH
- Clinical Specialist at Hillcrest Hospital since 2005
- Lexi-Comp Consultant since 2008
- Board Certificated Pharmacotherapy Specialist 2011 (BCPS).
- Board Certified Infectious Disease Pharmacy Specialist 2018 (BCIDP)
Areas of Interest
- Infectious Diseases
- Antimicrobial management including antibiotic resistance and antifungal therapy
- Microbiology
Current Projects
- Resistance Trends
- Antimicrobial Agent Utilization
- Renal Dosing
- Drug Stability
- Sepsis
- Antimicrobial Stewardship
- Covid-19 Therapeutic Committee
- Hillcrest Pharmacy Resident Advisory Committee
- Co-Chair Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest Hospital
- Chair PGY-1 Structure Subcommittee – Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest Pharmacy Program
- Committee member for the following Hospital Performance Improvement Committees: Member of P & T Committee, Antimicrobial Sub-committee, Infection Control, Pharmacy Enterprise Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee, Covid Therapeutics Subcommittee
- Preceptor for PGY1 Pharmacy Residents
- Preceptor for PharmD APPE students
- Continuing education to nursing, pharmacy, and physicians at Hillcrest Hospital
Honors and Awards
- Message to Garcia Award Winner 2005, The Ohio State University Medical Center Department of Pharmacy Award
- Newell B, Wirick N, Rigelsky F, Migal K. Implementation of a Pharmacist Monitoring Process for Patients on QTc Prolonging Antibiotics: A Pilot Study. Hosp Pharm. 2021 Dec;56(6):772-776.
Poster Presentations
- Poster Presentation: December 2015 ASHP Mid-year Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. A review of ceftaroline fosamil utilization at a large community teaching hospital. Hillcrest Hospital, Mayfield Heights, OH.
- Poster Presentation: December 2013 ASHP Mid-year Meeting, Orlando, Florida. Candida spp. Isolate review and impact on prescribing preferences in a community hospital. Hillcrest Hospital, Mayfield Heights, OH.
- Poster Presentation: December 2012 ASHP Mid-year Meeting, Las Vegas. Impact of converting levofloxacin to high-dose equivalent regimen in a community teaching hospital. Hillcrest Hospital, Mayfield Heights, OH.
- Co-Author Poster Presentation: September 2005 Fall Meeting IDSA San Francisco: Epidemiology of Infections in LVAD Patients. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH.
- Poster Presentation: May 2005 MAD ID Spring Meeting, Arizona: Analysis of Empirical Use of Linezolid in a Large Teaching Hospital. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH.
- Poster Presentation: April 2005 ACCP Spring Meeting, Myrtle Beach: Analysis of Empirical Use of Linezolid in a Large Teaching Hospital. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH.
- Poster Presentation: December 2004 ASHP Mid-year Meeting, Orlando. Analysis of Linezolid Therapy for Staphylococcal or Enterococcal Infections at a Large Teaching Hospital. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH.
- Poster Presentation: May 2004 OCCP Spring Meeting, Cleveland. Hepatotoxicity in Tuberculosis Patients. The MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland OH.
- Poster Presentation: December 2003 New Orleans ASHP Mid-year Meeting: Hepatotoxicity in Tuberculosis Patients. The MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland OH.