Our Mission

Our Mission

The mission of Medina Hospital Foundation is to engage our communities in charitable giving and to give responsibly for Medina Hospital to provide high quality healthcare and health education to the community we serve.

The Medina Hospital Foundation provides members of the community with opportunities to enhance the programs and services of Medina Hospital. That support may be tax-deductible contributions of cash, financial securities, in-kind assets/services or volunteer hours assisting with planning and organizing fundraising events.

Patients, families and community members served by Medina Hospital or through its many outreach programs are the direct beneficiaries of contributions made by caring individuals, organizations and businesses.
The contributions received by the Foundation are managed and disbursed by the Foundation’s Board who ensure the monies are used for local healthcare purposes, ensuring high quality and compassionate healthcare close to home.

Become Involved

There are several ways someone can engage with the hospital through the foundation.

  • Volunteer
    • Serve on event committee
    • Serve on the foundation board of directors
  • Make a Gift
  • Be an ambassador

We offer many different ways in which you can make a lasting contribution. Our staff will be happy to provide you with more information and/or to meet with you to discuss your wishes.

Please fill out this to request more information about giving to Medina Hospital.

Foundation History

Foundation History

Medina Community Hospital opened on October 22, 1944. The hospital was originally the four-bedroom home of the Theodore Weidner family. In 1936, the Weidner's youngest son was stricken with a serious illness requiring round-the-clock medical attention. Mr. Weidner then vowed that if his son recovered, he would sell the house for conversion into a hospital. A group of public-spirited Medina citizens helped that pledge become a reality by starting a fundraising campaign to buy and convert the home. Since 1944, Medina Hospital has endured thanks to the personal investment of many in Medina County and others who have been touched by the hospital’s care. The non-profit hospital began as Medina Community Hospital, then transitioned to Medina General Hospital, and is proudly now Medina Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic hospital.

To ensure this rich history of community-supported healthcare would continue, the Medina Hospital Foundation was created in 1991, through the vision of community leaders serving on the Board of Directors of Medina General Hospital along with the hospital’s Administration. Both groups cited the growing population of Medina County and the growing demands on the healthcare delivery system as catalysts in initiating this effort. These concerns have proven to be true and are perhaps even more valid today.

The Foundation serves to provide a vehicle to gather, accumulate and judiciously disburse the community’s charitable gifts to the hospital for local patient care. William H. Kelly, a hospital Board member at that time and one of the original Foundation Board members, provided the first individual gift of $10,000. Mr. Kelly continues as an Honorary Foundation Board member today.

Over the Foundation’s history, we have received many gifts from individuals, businesses and civic organizations resulting in distributions to Medina Hospital, a Cleveland Clinic Hospital, totaling over $12 million to implement a wide variety of projects.

Foundation Board

Foundation Board

The Foundation has a Board of Directors, different from that of Medina Hospital, which has general supervision and charge of the operation, property, affairs, and finances of the Foundation while ensuring that donors’ intentions are followed.

  • Ellen Hunter, Chair
  • Don Miksch, Vice Chair
  • Donielle Finding, MSN, MBA, Secretary
  • Ron Plazek, Treasurer
  • David Burke, MD
  • Russell Corwin
  • Terry Grice
  • Janet Harris
  • William Hutson
  • Jarrod Long
  • James Madasz
  • Ann Salek
Contact Us

Contact Us

General Inquiries

Fax: 330.253.2305
[email protected]

Normal business hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Fuerst | Cleveland Clinic 
Randy Fuerst
[email protected]

Amy Immel 
Amy Immel
Development Associate
[email protected]

Media Inquiries

Media Inquiries

Medina Hospital Foundation Executive Director Randy Fuerst is available for media interviews and can provide expert commentary regarding trends and insights related to all facets of charitable giving across the healthcare industry.

Contact the Cleveland Clinic Corporate Communications for details on arranging interviews or to inquire about speaking engagements.

Joe Milicia
Director, PR & Communications
Phone: 330.801.1204
Email: [email protected]