Support for pilot data
The Section of Imaging Sciences offers support for collection and analysis of pilot data. A limited number of imaging studies as well as support for image analysis can be performed at reduced or no charge to the investigator to obtain valid data for the purposes of pursuing funded research. The program is designed specifically for investigators from Cleveland Clinic who need to collect pilot data for the purposes of applying for grant funding.
All investigators must fill out the pilot data application form to access the pilot data program. Applications will be reviewed by the Radiology Research Committee which meets monthly. Applications will be scored on the basis of scientific merit, plans for future funding, likelihood of future funding and likelihood of future publication. Allocation of time on imaging equipment will be made on the basis of equipment availability and the pilot data application score. All proposed studies must comply with the guidelines for imaging research at Cleveland Clinic.
We encourage all first-time investigators to read the guidelines for conducting imaging research in the Imaging Institute. Questions or concerns regarding the project information form or the research process in general can be directed to Aubrey Norton, Administrator for the Section of Imaging Sciences.
Aubrey Norton
Administrative Coordinator, Section of Imaging Sciences
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Ave., U15
Cleveland, Ohio 44195
[email protected]
Guidelines for imaging research at Cleveland Clinic
The guidelines outlined below were designed to provide a uniform methodology for allocating imaging resources for research purposes. The underlying principles of these guidelines are to promote imaging research throughout Cleveland Clinic, encourage the development of funded research projects utilizing imaging, to institute accountability for the utilization of research resources, and to ensure the safe and optimal performance of experiments on imaging equipment.
The guidelines are as follows:
1. Access and utilization of imaging resources
All imaging research studies must be entered into the appropriate Cleveland Clinic research systems prior to initiation of the study (GAMS, CTMS, CROP). Budgetary information is available via the CTMS and CROP systems. For questions or assistance with budgetary issue please contact Aubrey Norton, administrator for the section of imaging sciences. Programs are available for obtaining pilot data free of charge. Please refer to the pilot data web page. All studies must have IRB or ARC approval prior to the first imaging studies being performed. Priority for research utilization of imaging equipment will be based on availability and project funding.
2. Operation of the equipment during research procedures
All imaging examinations done for research purposes will be performed by either a research technologist or a qualified member of the Imaging Institute. This guideline is to ensure the safety of research subjects and proper use of the imaging facilities.
3. Imaging Institute collaborator
All proposed imaging research projects which are performing non-standard of care imaging must have at least one co-investigator/consultant from the Imaging Institute. This to ensure the safety of research subjects as well as the proper use of imaging equipment. The Imaging Institute co-investigators/consultants role may be limited, ensuring the safety, appropriate use of the imaging equipment, aiding in the initial selection of appropriate sequences/imaging protocols, etc. However, if a substantial time commitment is required of the Imaging Institute co-investigator/consultant, appropriate considerations for funding the necessary percent effort as well as academic recognition for presentations and publications should be made by the principal investigator.
4. Defined, written imaging protocol
All research examinations must have a written imaging protocol which is available to the research technologist or member of the Imaging Institute performing the examination prior to the beginning of imaging. This guideline ensures timely and efficient use of the imaging equipment and serves as a reference for all exams performed. This is very useful during the future analysis of data sets as well as the publication of results.
Funding opportunities
- NIH.
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS).
- Michael J. Fox (Parkinson's Disease research).