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About Cleveland Clinic’s Health Library

Cleveland Clinic’s Health Library provides information about diseases, conditions, treatments and body systems to help answer questions you may have about your health — from the everyday to the complex.

For Health Education Only

Our Health Library articles are designed to educate, not diagnose or treat. They may help ease anxiety about a diagnosis or a procedure, clarify what’s happening in your body, and guide decisions about checkups or specialists. But they aren't a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis or treatment plan.

Our articles are based on the latest medical research. They’re meant to complement your relationship with your doctor — not replace it. While there may be overlaps, our content doesn’t mirror Cleveland Clinic care or promote our services. Remember, these articles are educational tools, not replacements for expert medical advice.

A Dream Team of Expert Editors

Academic researchers and recovering journalists work together to create every Health Library article. They dig deep into the medical details, translating complex health topics into language that’s easy to understand. As a leading academic medical center, we’re all about evidence-based care and debunking myths about health and wellness.

Up-to-Date, Accurate Sources

When we create articles, we use a variety of reliable sources, like:

  • Studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals.
  • Textbooks written by and for doctors.
  • Official information from major health organizations like the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

These sources are all reviewed by other experts in the field, so we know they're up-to-date and accurate.

To find our listed references, simply scroll to the bottom of the article. After the medical review date, you’ll see “References” in blue. Click the blue carrot to the right of the word “References” to open the list.

Medical Review Is Vital to Our Editorial Process

Every article goes through a review process by a Cleveland Clinic healthcare provider who specializes in that specific topic before publication. They work closely with our editors to ensure everything is clear and medically sound. It's like having a doctor double-check your homework! Then, we revisit each article regularly to ensure that it’s still accurate and up-to-date, and it’s re-reviewed by a medical professional at least every few years — or sooner when there’s a significant medical advance.

Information Is Empowering

Our Health Library can be a trusted partner in your health. By providing accurate, accessible and expert-reviewed information, we aim to help you make informed decisions about your well-being. Remember, while our articles offer valuable insights, they shouldn’t replace the advice of your healthcare provider.

Still have questions? Please reach out at [email protected].

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