An accident, unusual pains, an injured child—at Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital, we expect the unexpected. We are always ready to help you and your family in your time of need. Mercy Hospital has met the stringent requirements set forth by the American College of Surgeons to become a verified Level II Trauma Center. This means we are fully prepared to provide state-of-the-art critical care to the injured patient 24 hours a day. We offer immediate service, superior care and peace of mind.
Our state-of-the-art emergency department (ED) features:
- Large patient and family waiting area.
- 49 ED beds plus a five-bed triage/super-track treatment area.
- Radiology services in the ED.
- Dental and eye treatment suite in the ED.
- EMS first-responder room.
Heart attack care at the speed of life
Our Emergency Services are also home to this nation’s first accredited Emergency Chest Pain Center and a Cardiac Catheterization Lab (Cath Lab) within an emergency department. In the ED Cath Lab, a Mercy Hospital cardiologist was the first in the world to perform an angioplasty inside an emergency department.
Care for patients experiencing behavioral emergencies
For those who may be experiencing behavioral or emotional difficulties, a specially trained psychiatric triage nurse is available in our ED for comprehensive emergency evaluations.
Care following a violent assault
Our emergency department staff includes the HAVEN program to provide care for victims of violent assault. Our specially trained nurses — called sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) or forensic nurse examiners (FNE) — are available to respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive medical care and offer the choice to have evidence collected.
Obstetrics Emergency Department
Staffed around-the-clock staffing by board-certified obstetricians, nurses, and healthcare professionals experienced in labor and delivery, the Mercy Hospital Obstetrics Emergency Department provides timely assessment and treatment of women experiencing medical complications related to pregnancy (20 weeks and above).
Our Level II Trauma Center
Mercy Hospital has met the stringent requirements set forth by the American College of Surgeons to become a verified Level II Trauma Center. This means we are fully prepared to provide state-of-the-art critical care to the seriously injured patient 24 hours a day. Our Trauma Center caregivers are dedicated to continuously improving the quality of trauma patient care and are committed to our community through education and participation in various trauma outreach programs. We offer immediate service, superior care and peace of mind. Our Trauma Center follows standards established by national experts. These standards ensure that each member of the trauma team, along each step in the recovery process, is ready and able to provide care to the patient.
Our Level II Trauma Center is an integral part of Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital and ready to respond to you or your family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Emergency Physicians.
- Surgeons (General, Orthopaedic, Neurosurgery, Plastic, Maxillofacial, Thoracic/Vascular).
- Anesthesiologists.
- Critical Care Services.
- Blood Conservation Program.
- Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Care.
- Trauma Trained Nursing.
- Ancillary Support Staff.
- Rehabilitation Unit.
Trauma surgery
The Mercy Hospital Trauma Center has been continuously verified since 1998. As a level II Trauma Center, we provide the highest level of surgical care from the time patients arrive in the emergency room through their hospital journeys. Our specialists excel at managing critically injured or ill patients, providing them high quality care.
The team is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week, to provide the utmost care for our patients. Conditions we commonly treat include:
- Motor vehicle accident injuries.
- Sports related traumatic injuries.
- Brain and spinal cord injuries.
- Closed head injuries and hemorrhage.
- Traumatic bone fractures.
- Solid organ injuries such as liver, spleen or kidneys.
- Work-related traumatic injuries.
- All penetrating injuries such as gun shot or knife stab wounds.
- All falls related to syncope or a mechanical etiology.
We provide patients with comprehensive, patient-centered care from the time of the injury all the way to recovery. We treat our patents with respect and are mindful that acute conditions are frequently unexpected and can cause significant financial, social and psychological stress.
Forensic nurse examiners – sexual assault evidence collection
In 1999 Mercy Hospital established Stark County’s first Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program. SANE strives to ensure sexual assault victims are treated promptly by trained professionals in a safe, compassionate and confidential environment.
SANE’s five main goals include:
- Documentation and care of injuries.
- Collection of medical and legal evidence.
- Evaluation of risk and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.
- Evaluation of pregnancy risk.
- Crisis intervention.
Emergency Chest Pain Center
Mercy Hospital’s Emergency Chest Pain Center (ECPC), with its state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and catheterization lab, offers you fast, responsive emergency care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our nationally recognized heart team of experienced doctors, nurses and technicians meet the ambulance and the patient at the door.
Mercy Hospital was the first hospital in the nation to have a heart catheterization lab located directly in the emergency department, resulting in world-record times for heart attack treatment.
ED Cath Lab
Emergency Department Cardiac Catheterization Lab
Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital is home to the nation’s first fully functioning cardiac catheterization lab in an emergency department.
HAVEN (Healing After Violent Encounters Network)
Have Confidence in Stark County’s First Victims’ Assault Program
Violence can impact anyone. If you or someone you love has been the victim of an assault, Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital’s HAVEN Program can help. (For Spanish translation, click here.)
In 1999, Mercy Hospital established Stark County’s first Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program, which strives to ensure sexual assault victims are treated promptly by trained professionals in a safe, compassionate and confidential environment. In 2016, the program was rebranded HAVEN (Healing After Violent Encounters Network) to represent its expanded scope of services to include all victims of violence. Our HAVEN team is available to provide medical forensic nursing care to individuals impacted by violence, elder abuse and neglect, domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual assault.
The HAVEN Program at Mercy Hospital provides immediate specialized nursing care, support, and options to victims of assault, age 13 and older. Victims under the age of 13 are referred to The Children’s Network of Stark County Child Advocacy Center or Akron Children’s Hospital. HAVEN staff also raise awareness by providing community and professional education and outreach.
Specially trained nurses
Mercy Hospital physicians and nurses understand the trauma that assault victims may experience, and they treat you with the dignity and sensitivity you deserve. When patients visit our Emergency Department, specially trained nurses called sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) or forensic nurse examiners (FNE) are available to respond to provide compassionate and culturally sensitive medical care.
Our Emergency Department staff will not contact law enforcement about the assault unless you ask them to do so. As mandated reporters, attacks on children, people over age 60, people who are disabled or live in a nursing home, and any injury resulting from gunshot, stabbing, inflicted second- or third-degree burns, or any serious injury must be reported by law. The hospital must also under the law report a sexual assault. However, for adult patients who do not want to report the assault, this will be done without revealing any patient identifying information. General information will be given to law enforcement after the patient has been discharged.
Nurses dedicated to your care
If you seek treatment at Mercy Hospital’s Emergency Department, you will receive kindness and respect from a nurse dedicated only to your care.
FNE nurses are registered nurses who have completed at least 40 hours of training in providing comprehensive physical and emotional care to the sexual assault patient, sexual assault evidence collection, and testifying effectively in court. Additional training also includes live patient simulation and photograph documentation. HAVEN forensic nurse examiners also receive extensive community-based training and participation in professional activities to continually improve practice.
Things to consider if you have been assaulted
- Find a safe place.
- Reach out to someone you trust for support.
- Know that you have options.
- Seek medical attention at Mercy Hospital’s Emergency Department.
- Even if you do not want to report the assault or do not have any obvious injuries, it can be important to discuss your care options, have a medical forensic evaluation and address any medical concerns related to the assault.
- If you have been sexually assaulted, consider trying to avoid changing your clothes, brushing your teeth or bathing.
What to expect during your emergency visit
- You will be transferred to a medical treatment room or private waiting area as soon as possible.
- A Mercy Hospital Emergency Department doctor will evaluate and treat any physical injuries.
- A HAVEN forensic nurse examiner will speak with you about your care options and medical concerns and can assist you with safety planning.
- Information and follow-up support are available. HAVEN Program staff can provide information about local social service providers, talk to you about your rights as a victim of a crime, and assist you with a Victim of Crime Compensation application.
- As a courtesy to our patients and at their request, sexual assault survivors may have evidence collected, which may include clothing, hair, blood, urine or other samples. The forensic nurse will make sure the evidence goes to law enforcement. Evidence collection exams are available at no additional charge.
- Medical staff will offer any medications or vaccinations needed. This may include prophylactic medications for sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and HIV. Your nurse will explain the care needed after your exam and other available community services to help meet your needs.
Ask about HAVEN community education
Our HAVEN program team members are available to conduct community education about our program, forensic medical care, sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking and other related topics. For more information, call 330.489.1000, ext. 2170.
Additional community resources
Alliance Area Domestic Violence Shelter
Alliance Area Rape and Sexual Assault Counseling/CommQuest
Children’s Network of Stark County
Community Legal Aid Services
Compass Rape Crisis
Domestic Violence Project, Inc.
Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center
Ohio Victim of Crime Compensation Program
RAHAB Ministries
Rape Crisis Center of Medina and Summit Counties
Stark County Prosecutor’s Office
Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE)
Mercy Hospital’s HAVEN Program meets the needs of assault patients by providing immediate, compassionate, culturally sensitive, and comprehensive medical forensic evaluation and treatment by trained, professional forensic nurses within the parameters of the Ohio Nurse Practice Act, the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner standards of the International Association of Forensic Nurses and the Ohio Department of Health.
Obstetrics Emergency Department
Staffed around-the-clock by board-certified obstetricians, nurses, and healthcare professionals experienced in labor and delivery, Mercy Hospital’s Obstetrics Emergency Department provides timely assessment and treatment of women experiencing medical complications related to pregnancy (20 weeks and above).
Visit Mercy Hospital’s Obstetrics Emergency Department page to learn more.
Secret Safe Place for Newborns
Confidential Emergency Care and Shelter for Infants within Three Days of Birth
Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital offers a healthy alternative for desperate mothers.
Mercy Hospital has always been in the business of saving lives. The goal of A Secret Safe Place for Newborns is to prevent the tragedy of abandoned and abused infants.
New parents can leave unwanted newborns at our Emergency Department within three days of birth. For the parents who abide by the program's guidelines, total secrecy and immunity from prosecution are ensured.
Mercy Hospital is the first hospital in northeast Ohio to offer such a program.
A Safety Net
We're here to provide a safety net for those who are the most vulnerable and cannot care for themselves. We aim to rescue newborns from possible injury or homicide by providing confidential emergency care and shelter.
Infants left at our hospital will be given an identification number and placed in the protective custody of the Stark County Department of Job and Family Services, Children Services Division. The parents will also get the infant's ID number, in case they change their minds or want to offer information.
The newborn will be released from the hospital to an appropriate home or adoptive family as soon as medical clearance is obtained. As long as the baby is unharmed, the mother will not be prosecuted for abandonment if she acts within three days of the birth.
EMS Training
EMS Training at Mercy Hospital
Upcoming Courses
The following EMS continuing education courses have been scheduled for 2021, please check back often as additional courses may be added throughout the year:
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Training
Upcoming trainings will be posted soon.
2021 EMS Continuing Education Series
These programs are each held 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. with dinner provided.
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Courses
Upcoming classes will be posted soon.
NAEMT Prehospital Trauma Life Support Class
Upcoming classes will be posted soon.
Discount for Stark County EMS providers courtesy of Trauma Services at Mercy Hospital. Email Andrew Bolgiano for more information.
Additional EMS Education Courses at Mercy
- ACLS Provider and Renewal
- BLS Provider and Renewal
- NAEMT Geriatric EMS Course
- PALS Provider and Renewal
- PHTLS Provider (Prehospital Trauma Life Support)
- TECC Provider (Tactical Emergency Casualty Care)
- Free continuing education at your facility
Education Courses Coming Soon
- AWLS – Advanced Wilderness Life Support Course
- NAEMT Emergency Pediatric Care
- NAEMT Advanced Medical Life Support
Courses for the Public
Stop The Bleed
Free course teaching the basics of bleeding control.
Stark County Medical Control Board
The Stark County Medical Control Board is comprised of physicians and liaisons from Aultman Hospital and Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital. The board also consists of members of participating stark county EMS agencies. The medical control board provides medical direction for a majority of the EMS providers in Stark County.
EMS Continuing Education Contacts:
Andrew Bolgiano, RN, Paramedic
EMS Coordinator, Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital Emergency Services
NAEMT Affiliate Faculty
[email protected]
Anthony Brewer, MD
Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital Emergency Department Physician
Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital EMS Medical Director
Lane Smith MD
Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital Emergency Department Physician
Assistant EMS Medical Director